Reach Out and Engage With Us

Thank you for your interest in Southwest Chicago Homeless Services. Your questions, feedback, and support are important to us. You can contribute to our cause with cash or in-kind sponsorship to help end homelessness in Chicago-land.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsoring SCHS offers a fantastic opportunity for you or your company to gain excellent exposure as an outstanding member and supporter of the community. We offer server different ways to support SCHS from individual sponsorship to corporate sponsorship. We are seeking all levels of sponsorship that can help us provide much-needed services or underwrite the costs of events or projects.

  • Business and Corporate Sponsorship- by becoming a corporate sponsor or by making SCHS part of your company’s annual giving strategy, your business helps end homelessness in Chicago communities. Make you sponsorship have a greater impact by challenging your company executives, staff and even clients to match your contributions or make one of their own.
  • To learn more about how you can sponsor SCHS programs and services, please contact us at [email protected]